Welcome to RepScheduler!
You will only need to register one time to access your account. Once you register for our service you will receive an email once we have qualified your enrollment. Please Contact Us if you have any questions or are having difficulties signing-up. We look forward to working with you in the future.
Benefits for Reps
$250/Annual – Free Trial!
- Over 2M providers in our database – Build your Network!
- Time Saving/24×7 Scheduling
- Organized, Controlled Schedule
- HIPAA Compliant – Communicate Securely
- Helps Keep Good Provider/Lab Relations
- Eliminates “Paper” Schedules
- Reduces Email/Phone Interruptions
- Online Calendar
- Improved Access
- Increased Receptivity
- Professional & Private
(use promo code 15Free at checkout for a free 15-day trial account)
Benefits for Providers
Always Free!
- Easy to set up, Easy to use – Publish your calendar in minutes
- Secure interface
- Staff Time Savings
- No Software Needed
- JCAHO Friendly
- Makes Your Facility Progressive with Rep Control
- Compatible with Current Email Systems
- Efficient, Computerized (EMR)
- Web Based Calendar
- Better Organization, Communication and Scheduling
- One & Done Administration
- Unlimited Reps, Labs and Lab Administrators